Reading Groups & Expectations

    It is a pleasure to have your child in our reading group. In order to create a good learning environment, a positive attitude and pride in the students, we feel a classroom expectation plan needs to be in place.

    Park Meadows beliefs are based on mutual respect and high expectations. WE TEACH THE CHILDREN TO BE PREPARED, ACCOUNTABLE, RESPONSIBLE/RESPECTFUL AND KIND. Certain behaviors are unacceptable and there are consequences for unacceptable behavior. No student should be denied the right to learn because of the behavior of another student.

    Your child will be receiving intervention four days a week for 30 minutes each time. We will be doing a program called SIPPS (Systematic Instruction in Phonological Awareness, Phonics and Sight Words). There will be reading passages that come home nightly for your student to read as part of the program. We ask that you sign and have your student return the passage the following day.  

    Students who choose to make appropriate choices and follow the appropriate actions will be rewarded for their appropriate behavior. Examples for positive rewards are positive notes, PARK tickets, and verbal praise.