• The Science Fair is out of this world!  Click here for the paperwork if your student lost or misplaced it. 
    Due dates are TBA.
    Topics covered: 1 unit per quarter
    Q2= Sun, Moon and Stars - The Sun's position in the sky, night moon logs, cardinal directions N, S, W, E. 
    •  - This site is hosted by NASA and contains useful information about the planets and other objects in our solar system.
    •  - This site has informational text about the solar system, as well as games and activity ideas.
    •  - This site has all kinds of resources, including facts about the solar system, games, videos, pictures.
    •  - This site has information about the planets, other objects in the solar system, and a video about the planets.
    •  - This site is hosted by the European Space Agency. It has includes information about the solar system, space technology, and life in space. It also has activities and games for students to play.
    •  - This site has information about the different phases of the Moon.
    •  - This site has information on Moon landings that have occurred. It also has links to other websites that have information on this topic, as well as books that cover this topic.
    •  - This is a game for students to play so that they practice identifying the characteristics of asteroids, comets, and meteors.
    Q4= Mixtures and Solutions- Salts, solutions, mixtures. 
    Q1= Human Body - Skeletal structure, bones, muscles, coordination and joints. 
    Q3= Levers and Pulleys- 1,2,3  FLE. Folcrums, levers and effort - resistance. 
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    Password:  #1Rockets 
Last Modified on September 20, 2016