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  • Welcome to Social Studies with Ms. Whittingham! I am so excited to work with you this year as we are studying various Ancient Civilizations, their impacts on society, and world religions. 


    Social Studies Course Content includes:

    -Beginnings of human society

    -Early river civilizations

    -World religions

    -Classical civilizations such as Greek, Roman, Persian, and Chinese

    -Rise and fall of empires and the impacts to the region

    -Growth of trade networks

    -Development of feudal systems in medieval Europe and Japan

    -The Renaissance and the Reformation

    -National holidays & current events throughout the year

  • Standards for Quarter 3: 

    6.SP1.3 Classify a series of historical events and developments as examples of change and/or continuity. 

    6.SP3.1 Define and frame compelling and supporting questions about issues and events in the time-period and region studied.

    6.SP3.2 Use evidence to develop claims and counterclaims in response to compelling questions in the time period and region studied

    6.SP3.6 Construct and present arguments using claims and evidence from multiple sources

    6.G1.1 - Use and construct maps, graphs, and other representations to explain relationships between locations of places and regions.

    6.H1.1 Compare the development and characteristics of historical cultures and civilizations from different global regions within designated timeperiods

    6.H2.1 Evaluate the causes and effects of conflict and resolution among different societies and cultures.

    6.G4.2 Describe how natural and human-made catastrophic events and economic activities in one place affect people living in nearby and distant places.