• 8th Grade Syllabus 2020


    ELA: kristin.kurtenbach@dvusd.org 

    Science: polly.wood@dvusd.org 

    Social Studies: Christian.iafrate@dvusd.org 

    Math: Kirstin.Ledin@dvusd.org

    Distance Learning Etiquette:

    ALL Zoom sessions are required and will have daily attendance taken per EACH subject.

    1. Must have computer camera ON at times during any ZOOM meeting.
    2. Students must enter class MUTED and use their FULL name

    III. Students need to come to each class prepared. Meaning something to write with and anything specific to that subject.

    1. Students MUST follow district dress code guidelines at ALL times. No exceptions
    2. A school appropriate background is needed every day. Be aware of your background before entering the classroom.
    3. Be engaged at all times, please refrain from any distractions such as phones, music etc.

    **Failure to follow any of these guidelines will result in a warning, by being placed in the waiting room. Second warning will result in removal from the class for that day and an email home. Any missed work is still due on the due date.**



    Classwork is 5% of the overall grade. Any classwork that is not finished in class will become homework.



    Quizzes will be announced prior to the quiz/project date. Quizzes can not be retaken because they are open notes. 



    Tests will be announced ahead of time and students will be given a study guide and/or notes prior and will be given in class work time. Retakes are available 1 week post original test date provided that the “Request to Retest Form” is completed. 


    Grading Scale:

    Classwork/成人视频色情片work: 5%

    Quizzes/Projects: 35%

    Tests: 60%


    Missing/Late/Absent Work: 

    All missing, late, absent work is due by Sunday at Midnight of the prior week. No Exceptions. Even if you are absent for a ZOOM class, you are still expected to have the work completed by Sunday at Midnight. Please email your teacher if you know of an upcoming absence, if it is an unexpected absence email your teacher to get caught up. 


Last Modified on July 28, 2020