
    Cultural Vision: BGHS is committed to providing continuous opportunities to demonstrate achievement and personal growth in a collaborative student-centered community of diversity and kindness. To this end, we embrace standards-based practices and focus on student learning and growth. 



    • Chromebook and charging cord provided by the School District 

    • Pencils and blue/black pens and erasers

    • Spiral Notebook

    • Colored highlighters (at least 3 colors) 

    • Colored pencils



    BGHS  students will develop their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills by utilizing analysis, organization, production and language skills in innovative and creative ways.  These skills will be assessed individually and collectively multiple times throughout the semester in order to determine student growth and achievement.  Students are encouraged to work toward the highest level of achievement and to challenge themselves to grow and learn to their highest ability.  

    There are state standards, district curriculum expectations and a scope and sequence to ensure students are learning alongside their peers and at Goldwater we also focus heavily on critical thinking skills, communication skills, life skills, and habits of mind. Please check Canvas, PowerSchool, and/or the BGHS course website for the Standards, Performance Objectives and Rubrics for grading.

    Classroom Expectations

    Be prompt, prepared, respectful, and committed to the class, the instructor, and to one another.  In the event that any of us are not prompt, prepared, respectful, and committed, we must take responsibility and make amends while accepting the consequences of our actions.

    What to do immediately upon entering this classroom:

    1. Look at the smart board to determine learning goals and find your assigned seat. 

    2. Turn all electronic devices off and place in backpack or pocket*  (Needs to be out of sight)

    3. Take out your Chromebook and all necessary materials and put your backpack away as indicated. 

    4. Begin bellwork and/or join your team to actively engage in learning.  

    5. Contribute to the learning and work hard to demonstrate your abilities.